
How It Works

4-Step Online Investing


Step 01

Create your account

Signing up is a breeze. Review and agree to the Terms of Use and affirm you’re an accredited investor. Partners Finance reviews each investor profile and once you are approved you’ll receive an email confirmation and access to your new account.


Step 02

Review current investment opportunities

After your account has been created you can review all existing investment opportunities and high-level details of current and historical deals.


Step 03

Select the investment opportunity you like

Account holders have exclusive access to current eligible investments and historical deals from the sponsor. Review the overview, PPM, and legal documents of each open investment to determine whether an investment is right for you given your investment strategy, time horizon, and tolerance of risk.


Step 04


Click the "Start Browsing" button below to invest. 

Contact or reach out to us directly at:

Brett Chiles, Managing Director 713-985-4413

Jake Crater, Investment Director 214-550-2994

Start Browsing

How We Vet Our Sponsors

Partners Finance conducts in-depth background and diligence checks on all prospective sponsor firms—including principals—and evaluates their track records.

Sponsor firms whose projects, strategies, asset classes, and representative deal materials align with Partners Finance’s goals may then be added to the Partners Finance investment opportunity offerings section and made available on our platform.

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